Sarah Goodlaxson helps make marketing dreams a reality—and tirelessly works to conquer her own. (Uh, she swam with sharks, fought in the MMA cage, learned how to play both piano and violin, and competed in BJJ—Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu—tournaments, just to give you small idea of her drive.)
Always learning, improving, and sinking her teeth into a new project (or a new recipe), Sarah chose to go into the marketing industry because it’s “all the things” at once. She earned her BSBA in marketing from Wayne State University in 2015 and her MS in marketing from the University of Denver in 2022. Life in between her degrees was nothing short of busy though. She started her career with multiple internships at The American Cancer Society, Macquarie Group, and Trademark Productions. After that, Sarah wanted to try her hand at larger brands—that’s when she took a category operations manager role at US Foods.
While her experience there was invaluable, Sarah knew her passion lay in marketing—specifically in agency life. So much so that Sarah even founded her own agency based in Denver, Colorado, where she focused on marketing consulting and brand-building for female-owned small businesses. However, when the opportunity to join KPS3 presented itself, Sarah decided it was time to pack her bags, move to Reno, and become a leader for a company on the edge of both marketing and technology. As one of our account directors, she is a trusted advisor, strategist, confidant, and forecaster for her team and our partners.
With such a “go-go-go!” mentality, Sarah credits her husband, Nathan, for teaching her how to slow down and be a more nurturing person that offers understanding and support without hesitation. In fact, this has taught her to encourage growth in everyone on her team. She’s the type of coworker who bends over backwards to ensure her team is happy and successful. (We have the Slack messages from when Sarah’s been on PTO or been up in the wee hours of the night to answer our questions as proof.)
How does she do it all? Maybe it’s the coffee consumption. Maybe it’s the whole salt-crusted fish or oysters Rockefeller dishes she loves to make. Or maybe it’s her at-home supervisors, Bear the chocolate labrador and Kovu the Siberian husky, who act as the perfect pillows when she finally takes a moment to relax and pick up one of her many instruments as she sings her heart out.
When we asked what Sarah’s life goal was, she responded, “I’ve done everything I’ve wanted to do. I guess that’s what I’ll do next: come up with another goal.” And if that doesn’t describe Sarah perfectly, we don’t know what does.
Certifications & Awards:
- 2021 | Named a Daniels Scholar at the University of Denver’s Daniels School of Business. (This is awarded to individuals who demonstrate strength of character, leadership potential, and a commitment to serving the community.)
- Google Analytics + Google Ads
- Digital Marketing Certification from Cornell University